8 Natural stomach ache remedies

It is a funny fact of life that many of the foods we like best, our stomach likes the least. There are many things that can lead to a stomach ache, eating too much at once is a good example, because your stomach may have a problem handling the extra volume. The answer is very simple, drink plenty of mineral water and unsweetened herbal tea, eat a healthy diet, and also don’t feast too often. .

8 Natural stomach ache remedies
Here are some ideas that will help you soothe the pain of the occasional stomach upset:


  • Sip fennel, chamomile, lemon balm or peppermint tea with and in between meals
  • Eat small piece of fresh or pickled ginger for nausea.
  • Bubbly water or soda can help
  • Prepare an anti-inflammatory tea of licorice root and valerian tea
  • Chamomile tea
  • Oatmeal is good for an upset stomach
  • Vitamin A helps rebuild damaged mucus membranes in your stomach lining. Good sources include carrots, green cabbage, delicate greens like mache and spinach, bell peppers, and apricots.
  • Massage your stomach with gentle circular motions with 1 tbsp. of almond oil mixed with 3-4 drops of chamomile oil.

Porridge with berries (1)

Most doctors believe stress and dietary factors cause stomach ulcers, with their symptoms of bloating, pain, and nausea. The prescription is to regularly get adequate rest, reduce anxiety, eat bland food and eliminate coffee and alcohol.