Natural tips for whiter nails

Sometimes it is just not possible to do a manicure regularly, but that should not be a reason not to have your nails look as nice as possible. Here are some natural tips on how to make your nails look whiter naturally.

  • Lemon 

Lemon is a natural manicure ingredient, just rub the nails with lemon or wash them with lemon juice for whiter and shinier nails


  • Lemon + soapy water 

Mix lemon and soapy water in a bowl and soak the nails for 5 minutes, rinse with fresh water and apply a body lotion.


  • Moisturizer

Lemon tends to dry the skin so always apply body lotion or a moisturizer to keep them smooth, it also helps to shine the nails.

  • Baking powder 

Baking powder with warm water will get you shiny white nails, try it once a week.


  • White vinegar

White vinegar is another natural ingredient, add a few drops of white vinegar into a bowl of warm water and soak nails in for 8 minutes.

  • Whitening toothpaste 

Apply whitening toothpaste and leave on nails for 5-6 minutes and then wash with warm water.


.From: Home Remedies from a country Doctor from Jay Heinrichs, Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, and the editors of Yankee Magazine, 2013.

From: Natural Remedies for Healthy Living , The Readers Digest Association,2011
From: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies, C. Norman Shealy 2002