Eat More Fish

Fish is the most abundant form of food on the planet, largely due to the fact that so much of the earth is covered by water. Apart from offering tremendous choice and variety, fish is remarkably good for you. It is unquestionably one of the best anti-aging food sourceS.

All types of fish and shellfish are great source of protein, vitamins and minerals, studies have also known that a diet that is rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids may help to improve a person’s ability to concentrate and reduce the risk of the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Omega-3 fats also have an anti-inflammatory effect that may help relieve the symptoms or rheumatoid arthritis as well as skin problems, such as psoriasis. Additionally omega-3 fats may help keep the heart healthy by making the blood less likely to clot, lowering blood pressure, and encouraging the muscles lining the artery walls to relax, improving the flow of blood to the heart.


Although omega-3 fats are also found in plants sources, the long-chain omega-3s found in oil-rich are the most beneficial kind for the body.
Oil-rich fish are also one the few foods that contain vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption. They also provide iodine and selenium, which are important trace elements that benefit the body..
White fish are particularly low in fat, and low in calories, making them a good choice for your waistline as well as general health.

Although certain shellfish contain high levels of cholesterol, this is not responsible for raised levels in the blood. The cause is a diet high in saturated fats that the body itself then turns into cholesterol in the blood. Some shellfish also are high in toxic mercury, so use caution when eating them.
Fish do well with herbs and spices of all kinds, making it easy to avoid cooking them in fats and heavy cream sauces, which will quickly eliminate the health factor you want.