Please read the notes below to ensure that you keep your kefir healthy and alive

a kefir grain/s (get one from a friend)
milk (preferable raw or the best quality milk you can get) = amount as much as you want to make
a jar
a piece of cloth large enough to cover the mouth/opening of the jar
an elastic band

In a clean and dry jar place your kefir grains and then add the amount of milk you are wanting to turn into kefir.
Place a cloth over the neck of the jar and fasten in place with an elastic.
Leave the jar on a counter top for 12 – 72 hours ( I recommend 24 hours)
Stir the kefir when you are happy with the time period and think it is strong enough.
Use a wooden or plastic spoon to take out the kefir grains
Place your kefir grains on a saucer and slowly and carefully pour the remaining liquid kefir into a clean bottle or jar with lid and place it in the fridge to get cold (you can drink it right away).
Your kefir milk/liquid can live in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Now take the grains place in a clean jar and top up with fresh milk, cover with cloth and place on the counter to begin the process again.

enjoy as is or use in a smoothie or in place of yoghurt in your cereal or with fruit. (It tastes like tangy yoghurt)


The kefir must breathe so do not use a lid or plastic… but cover with fabric and fasten in place with an elastic. You don’t want flies to lay eggs in the mixture either! – EWWW!

Never wash your kefir in tap water as the chlorine and other things in your tap water will kill them.

Any dish washing liquid and cleaning agents could also kill your kefir so make sure your jars are thoroughly rinsed and dry before using

NEVER use a metal spoon or you will kill the kefir. Always use wood/ plastic or glass.

The kefir liquid will look like sour milk with bit of pieces in it – do not fear as long as it doesn’t smell rotten then all is good. (it can even be fizzy at times)

You kefir may sit at the bottom of the jar or float to the top – it doesn’t matter, they can happily move around.

Start off slowly and consume a 1/4 of a cup at first and slowly build up to a glass or more a day, as the kefir kills off the bad bacteria in your gut you may have symptoms like: a headache, rash, bloated stomach or tummy ache. As you keep consuming it day after day the good bacteria will be replenished and the bad bacteria will be killed off.

You can use other animal milks like goat or sheep in place of cows milk. Also coconut milk and other milk substitutes can be used as well

Once you have removed the kefir grains you can strain your kefir through cloth to create kefir cheese (think cottage cheese/cream cheese)