Vegan Woman Who Switched Her Diet at 96 Tells How She Feels ‘Wonderful’

A 97-year old yoga loving woman who recently completed her first year as a vegan shares about how the diet has made her feel “wonderful”.

Ann Evers Fraser switched to the plant-based lifestyle soon before turning 96 and insists that she will never eat animal products again.


Apart from practicing yoga, Mrs. Fraser keeps an active life by walking on a treadmill daily in the company of her granddaughter. She also has a personal trainer who visits twice a week for workout sessions.
Reporting to the Standard, the grandmother said she feels lighter, wonderful and full of energy. She added that her skin is clearer and can now move around at ease.

“I definitely think it’s keeping me healthier as I age.”
Mrs. Fraser was born on August 2, 1921, and turned 97 last month. She believes that switching her diet to become a vegan has even gotten rid of her irregular heartbeat.

According to Mrs. Fraser, she was recently diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat (Afib) and placed on medication that made her feel miserable. After giving the vegan diet a shot, her Afib disappeared in just a few weeks.
A couple of months after shunning any food linked to animals, she is free of illnesses apart from a ruptured appendix from which she’s now fully recovered. She has managed to keep healthy even in the colder months. She used to get a bad cold during the winter but she had none in the last one.

According to Maggie Bauman, Mrs. Fraser’s granddaughter, the switch had given her grandmother a “new zest for life”.
The 28-year-old who also operates a restaurant also a vegan says her grandmother is now full of energy and loves to make a plan for the future.

Source of Inspiration

Mrs. Fraser’s inspiration to veganism came after noting the health benefits. She said environmental and ethical reasoning she found behind the diet is what encourages her to maintain it.

Watching a documentary called What The Health in July 2017 is what drove Mrs. Fraser to become a vegan. She has also watched a number of films that promote the lifestyle.
Citing animal agriculture and links to environmental damage, the grandmother insists that she can never ditch the diet.

Mrs. Fraser is a former secretary who hails from Brooklyn, New York but currently living in Toledo, Ohio. She promotes veganism and shares photos of her daily routines on Instagram with her 18,000 strong followers.
She hopes to teach the future generations about the impact of animal agriculture so that they can turn to a vegan diet. She insists that there is a vegan version of everything.

The scope of Veganism

According to The Vegan Society, there are about 600,000 vegans in the United Kingdom. However, a recent survey from estimates that there could be more than three million.
Both the British Nutrition Foundation and NHS state that a vegan diet can provide most of the nutrients although supplementation and planning may be necessary.