Tarragon Chicken Salad Recipe

Tarragon Chicken Salad

3 6-ounce boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 mug mayonnaise

1/4 mug cleaved tarragon

1 teaspoon ground lemon pizzazz in addition to 1 tablespoon crisp lemon juice

2 cut scallions

2 cut celery stalks

genuine salt and dark pepper

1 pound watercress, thick stems evacuated


Hotness broiler to 400° F. Rub the chicken bosoms with oil. Put on a rimmed preparing sheet and dish until cooked through, 14 to 16 minutes; let cool, then shred.

In a medium vessel, blend together the mayonnaise, tarragon, and lemon get-up-and-go and juice. Overlay in the chicken, scallions, and celery; season with ¾ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon pepper. Serve over the watercre